Arts et culture614 is a multidisciplinary collective structured as an association, its work focuses on the links between space and writing, so as to emancipate traditional representations of architecture.
Nos actions en cours
Qui sommes-nous ?
614 is a multidisciplinary collective structured as an association and composed of two architects, a graphic designer, an urban planner, a cultural programmer, a writer, and an artist. Its work focuses on the links between space and writing, so as to emancipate traditional representations of architecture. 614 develops its research through different cultural projects: workshops, publishing, conferences, teaching, etc.
Dia a Dia is an editorial, performative and participative project. It will be specially produced, edited and printed for the XII São Paulo International Architecture Biennale, by Team 614. We have been chosen among 760 applications thanks to our unprecedented project. We will settle for 3 weeks inside and outside the walls of the CCSP where the biennale is held, to produce 15 issues that will be broadcast locally and in a selection of places in the city.
With our project – the creation of a daily magazine called “Dia a dia” – we want to give a tribune to a multitude of everyday stories on which the imaginations of our contemporary cities are built. Its goal: to highlight different practices, conceptions, and feelings of day-to-day space. Dia a Dia will present the work of an international network of contributors. Architects, illustrators, artists, writers, photographers or researchers; they all take a singular look - be it tender, critical, detached or analytical - about our daily lives and the most banal and ordinary spaces that make up our urban experiences.
About Dia a Dia:
• 15 issues
• 16 pages (color and black&white, riso, A4 and A3 inserts) by issue
• 200 copies by issue
• 1 website
• 1 daily presence on social networks