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I make a donation to Agir pour le Cambodge

in favour of Agir pour le Cambodge

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Votre contribution à HelloAsso 3.90 €
Total 3.90 €

HelloAsso est une entreprise sociale et solidaire, qui fournit gratuitement ses technologies de paiement à l'organisme Agir pour le Cambodge . Une contribution au fonctionnement de HelloAsso, modifiable et facultative, vous sera proposée avant la validation de votre paiement.

* Champs obligatoires

Paiement sécurisé 

  • Carte Bleue
  • VISA
  • MasterCard

I donate : 

  • Textbooks for one student: 35 USD = 30 €
  • Uniform, technical clothes and a bike for one student: 55 USD = 50 €
  • Meals for one month for one student: 75 USD = 70 €
  • Annual health care for one student: 120 USD = 100 €

Support our vocational training and education programs

Agir pour le Cambodge
is a French NGO which was created in January 1985. From the very beginning, APLC put education and training at the forefront of its mission to fight poverty. APLC fights against poverty and human trafficking by enabling the poorest, with priority given to girls, to have access to education and vocational training to ensure their fast and sustainable professional integration.

Support the Students of Sala Baï

The Sala Baï  Hotel School was created in 2002 by the NGO Agir pour le Cambodge in Siem Reap, at the gates of the archaeological site of Angkor. Since the creation of this school, more than 1,900 young people, 70% of whom are young women, all from disadvantaged families, have received professional training leading to qualifications recognised in the ten ASEAN countries.

98% of these young people have been hired whithin 6 weeks of graduation at a salary at least three times higher than their family's income. Sala Baï means for all these young people and their families the end of poverty and the beginning of a new life.

In order to continue to ensure their employability, the training has been continuously adapted to meet the changing needs of the market. Specialization modules in the hotel and restaurant sectortraining in sustainable agriculture and the newly introduced entrepreneurship support offer new perspectives.

Without covering all the costs of the training period: education, boarding school accommodation, food, medical care, school supplies, technical clothing, etc ... these young people from disadvantaged families would not be able to access this life-changing training.

On behalf of the students of Sala Baï, we thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely,
The team of Agir pour le Cambodge.