Arts et cultureL’association ARTS-MONDES-CULTURES a pour buts de promouvoir les arts, la diversité culturelle et les liens entre les cultures
Nos actions en cours
Qui sommes-nous ?
L’association ARTS-MONDES-CULTURES a pour buts de promouvoir les arts, la diversité culturelle et les liens entre les cultures, afin de rapprocher par l’inter-culturalité, les mondes, les peuples, les communautés, les cultures et les Hommes, et, de bâtir ensemble une humanité meilleure. Ceci, par tout moyen et notamment par l’organisation d’événements.
The association “ARTS-MONDES-CULTURES” organizing the festival aims promoting the arts, the cultural diversity and creating bridges between cultures, creating synergies between worlds, people, communities and building together a better humanity via interculturality projects.
Les actions de notre association
"La Nuit des arts et des mondes"Festival des arts et de l'interculturalité
La 3ème édition de « La Nuit des Voyages aux bouts des Arts et des Mondes », festival des Arts et de l’Interculturalité créé en 2007, et portée par l’Association Arts-Mondes-Cultures, se déroulera du 21 mai au 14 juin à Pantin dans le petit Brooklyn - 21ème district. Le festival a, cette année, pour thème :
Il est placé sous le patronage de la Commission Nationale Française pour l’UNESCO, de la Commission Nationale Roumaine pour l’UNESCO, du Mona Bismarck American Center et bénéficie du soutien de la Ville de Pantin.
Les objectifs du festival :
• Promouvoir les valeurs de citoyenneté, solidarité, transmission, le vivre et surtout le construire ensemble dans un cadre commun, celui des valeurs républicaines.
• Rassembler et créer des liens entre les populations de tous les quartiers et de toute catégorie socio professionnelle ou culturelle dans un événement commun et dans la production d’oeuvres collectives-communes : les murs de renouveau.
• Faire des liens interculturels, cette année entre les cultures Roumaines, Françaises et Américaines et faire découvrir des artistes contemporains de ces 3 pays.
The 3rd edition of " The Night of the Voyage at the end of the Arts and the Worlds ", festival of Arts and Interculturality created in 2007, and organized by the Association “ Arts-Worlds-Cultures” will take place from May 21st until June 14th in Pantin, the small Brooklyn - 21th district-France.
The festival has, this year, for theme: " United towards Renewal "and is placed under the patronage of the French National Commission for UNESCO, of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, the Mona Bismarck American Center and benefits from the support of Pantin City.

The objectives of the festival:
· Promote the values of citizenship, solidarity, transmission, live together and especially build together in a common frame, that of the republican values.
· Gather and create links between the populations of all the districts and any socio-professional or cultural category in a common event and in a production of collectives-common works: the walls of renewal.
· Create intercultural links and synergies, this year between 3 guest countries: the Romanian, French and American cultures.
This festival joins completely the values and the philosophy of the UNESCO which allow to improve human relationships on a daily basis, the humanist reflection on the evolution of the world.
The « Nuit des arts et des mondes »Festival is an intercultural exposition of living cultural heritage. Free to the public, each Festival typically draws hundreds of thousands of visitors.
Initiated in 2007, the Festival has become a national model of a research-based presentation of contemporary living cultural and intercultural traditions. Over the years, it has brought thousands of musicians, artists, performers, craftspeople, workers, cooks, storytellers, and others in order to demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and aesthetics that embody the creative vitality of community-based traditions and languages.
Usually divided into programs featuring a nation, region, state, or theme, the Festival has featured exemplary tradition bearers from more than 25 nations…The Festival generally includes daily and evening programs of music, song, dance, celebratory performance, crafts and cooking demonstrations, storytelling, illustrations of workers’ culture, and narrative sessions for discussing cultural issues.
The Festival is an exercise in cultural democracy, in which cultural practitioners speak for themselves, with each other, and to the public. The Festival encourages visitors to participate—to learn, sing, dance, eat traditional foods, and converse with people presented in the Festival program.
The Festival includes exhibitions and the third edition will be focused on contemporary art, outsider and raw art, having at the heart an exposition of Chomo works.
The Festival is a complex production, over the years drawing on the research and presentational skills of folklorists, cultural anthropologists, poets, writers, scholars, artists etc.
Its production involves the expertise of hundreds of technical staff, the efforts of volunteers, and the backing of sponsors and supporters.
As one of the largest cultural events in Paris and now in Pantin, the Festival receives considerable publicity, typically reaching thousands of readers and viewers through print and electronic media. In the past, the Festival was named the « Magical Dream of Culture » and has also been the subject of numerous books, documentary films, scholarly articles, and debates.
This third edition will honour the Americain and Romanian culture… Many political, philosophical, artistical, philanthropical persons will be present.
Contemporary Art / Raw Art / Street Art / Concerts / Opera/Performances / Movies / Projects / Meetings / Conferences / Debates / Global Citizenship /Projects: insertion, education, innovation, arts, culture, citizenship action, workshops.

“Envisioning the global sustainable community in Pantin” by intercultural and art projects “Festival La Nuit des Arts et des Mondes”
Values diversity. A sustainable community understands that a cross section of the human and natural environment reveals one constant: diversity. Human diversity and biodiversity are essential to a thriving social dynamic and web of life. A sustainable community promotes and implements this truth through its policies regarding the built environment. It does not segregate or segment populations or elements of nature but integrates them into the fabric of the community. Joins us as to permit social integration and become a social main sustainable actor!

CONFERENCES 9/10/11 juin 2016- La nuit des arts et des mondes-Festival des arts et de l'interculturalité
Décider d’un futur commun :
• Changer de société,de civilisation et de paradigme pour évoluer
• Vers un nouveau monde
• Des utopies concrètes
De la diversité à l’interculturalité:
• Diversité de paroles pour changer le monde
• Migrations et réfugiés : Accueil et diversité
• Métamorphose : identité et culture européenne, la femme européenne, la ville européenne de demain
Bâtir ensemble, unicité et unité:
• L’art de changer le monde et de bâtir une humanité meilleure
• Uni(s)vers le renouveau
• Construire un projet commun. Soyons les pierres d’un édifice commun mais lequel? Quelle société bâtir et sur quels fondements?
Le renouveau de l’action citoyenne
• Global Citizenship, une citoyenneté globale pour agir
• L’éducation repensée
• Les nouveaux moyens d’action: Innovation, prospective, digital…
Intervenants de la société civile et des institutions:
Commission nationale francaise et roumaine pour l’UNESCO / SIETAR / Observatoire de la diversité /
Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme / AKT AS ONE Intercultural Institute / Conseil pour la
Citoyenneté des étrangers / Fédération européenne et nord-americaine des clubs UNESCO / Le
Relais / B1-AKT/ Leading Sustainable Strategies /Club UNESCO Sorbonne/ Séances sur Seine
/ Process Art / Arts-Mondes- Cultures / Fluency MC / Comité Mondial pour l’apprentissage tout au
long de la vie / Commission Handicap / Habitat-Cité...
Projets :
- Projet Métamorphoses- SIETAR-France - Univers Interculturel: un nouveau regard sur la diversité
- Projet: Calais Jungle
- Les Gènes de l’anti-fascisme
- Projet: Journée de la diversité Pantin 20 et 21-Mai
- Projet: Quartiers lointains-Journée de la diversité
- Projet: Demarche ethnologique pour enfants et adolescents: Siniman Films et EthnoArt
- Projet « Transmission du patrimoine intangible » Association Tradition et guérison Réseau Français de la Fondation Anna Lindh
Global Citizenship-Innovation-Education-Action citoyenne-Lab
- Tesla Memory Project & Innovation Philantropique-Club UNESCO Sorbonne
- Schools and Global Citizenship-Akt as 1 Intercultural Institute
- Exploring citizenship Project « B1-AKT/BE COM ONE LAB »
- Harmony Tree Education Project
- Fluency MC (ou le plaisir au coeur des apprentissages)
- Association Jean-Luc-François
Insertion sociale et civique, handicap
- Conseil pour la citoyenneté des étrangers-Pantin
- Mix’Art & Ariana
- Comité Mondail pour les apprentissages tout au long de la vie. Commission Handicap
Art, pluralisme et construction
• Projet “Quatre Chemins”: Process Art
• Projet « Tisser des liens »: Association ReExister
• Réseau Français de la Fondation Anna Lindh
• Projet “Nocturne”: Compagnie “La tempete”
• Chant, musique, performances
Cultural and Societal LABS
“Envisioning the global sustainable community in Pantin” by intercultural and art projects “Festival La Nuit des Arts et des Mondes”
“Envisioning the global sustainable community in Pantin” by intercultural and art projects “Festival La Nuit des Arts et des Mondes”
Values diversity. A sustainable community understands that a cross section of the human and natural environment reveals one constant: diversity. Human diversity and biodiversity are essential to a thriving social dynamic and web of life. A sustainable community promotes and implements this truth through its policies regarding the built environment. It does not segregate or segment populations or elements of nature but integrates them into the fabric of the community. Joins us as to permit social integration and become a social main sustainable actor!
Join us and concretely participate in:
Conferences and debates/ Art co-constructive works/ Global citizenship lab workshops/ Meeting the artists/ Find your creativity and innovation through intercultural and art projects/ Visit art exhibiting and have fun listening and seeing « the Tempest »- Rachmaninov and many more…
Arts worlds and Cultures operates with a vision that by linking the natural creativity and tolerance for risk of artists and creative entrepreneurs to the latest business tools and practices, and by helping to connect them to new financial resources, and to one another, we can give artists the knowledge and economic independence needed to bring their work and ideas into the marketplace, and establish a new voice for artists based on their collective clout. In addition, our Center unfetters creativity and resources by partnering with investors, researchers, policymakers, and others in ways that generate innovative solutions to the challenges facing artists.
This is our vision. Knowledge is power. Personal networks build community. And financial independence supports creative freedom. This is the Arts World and cultures Center for Cultural Innovation.

Few of our Interdisciplinary fields and labs:
Arts and innovation as the future of interdisciplinary field“Arts et Mondes” represents an interdisciplinary art platform that generates and participates in both artistic and scientific discussions on the intersections of art and science.
We aim the circulations of artworks and ideas of culturally challenging nature. By revealing the codes of our culture we seek to create substances that circulates between our culture, reality and the other.
We prone inventions of new language. Even irrational rhetoric can be a linguistic construction that serves logic and our interest lies in texts that re-codes and break formal constructions. As organizations mature they have a tendency of formalizing themselves into semi-academic bodies and our objectives is to resist this by allowing ruptures, disparities, irrationality and inventiveness. An experience of inspired expressions. A true space of inventions and arts. Communicate ART!

Our CITIZENSHIP LAB is promoting innovation and employment through several different actions:
· Dynamise the flourishing entrepreneurship in the Region, supporting the start up of innovative enterprises;
· Create the suitable conditions to attract new enterprises, services and industrial processes
· Stimulate business cooperation
· Support the development of professional skills;
· Stimulate partnerships between the industry and the institutions in possession of funds for business modernization
Across the country, students, parents and educators are fighting for high quality public schools. School Lab, both an interactive installation and a student-led project, brings a design approach to supporting education and re-imagining schools.

Public social interventions that youth are designing with a partner Studio to address social violence. We are using symbols with cultural relevancy to youth. This Lab can be adapted for many urban settings and scales.