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Support the Scots Kirk Paris

in favour of Association de la Church of Scotland

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HelloAsso est une entreprise sociale et solidaire, qui fournit gratuitement ses technologies de paiement à l'organisme Association de la Church of Scotland . Une contribution au fonctionnement de HelloAsso, modifiable et facultative, vous sera proposée avant la validation de votre paiement.

* Champs obligatoires

Paiement sécurisé 

  • Carte Bleue
  • VISA
  • MasterCard

Who we are

The Association of the Church of Scotland is the formal title of the Scots Kirk Paris. Part of the International Presbytery of the Church of Scotland, the Paris congregation of the Scots Kirk was established in 1858. The church has been situated on the rue Bayard since 1885. 

Join Us

Sunday worship at 11am, 17 rue Bayard 75008 Paris

Contact Details

Phone: +33 (0) 1 48 78 47 94