ECAS - European cardiac arrhythmia society

Recherche et sciences

ECAS is a non-profit organization (association), registered in Marseille, France in August 2004. The Scientific Society has as its purpose to promote excellence in the care of patients with cardiac rhythm disorders and promote education of the general public.

Nos actions en cours

Nous sommes actuellement en train de mettre en place nos prochaines initiatives. Revenez bientôt pour ne rien manquer !

Qui sommes-nous ?

The missions of ECAS are to promote excellence in the care of patients with cardiac arrhythmias by:

  • Fostering continuing medical education
  • Training by the design, performance, coordination and interpretation of multicenter basic and clinical research aimed at improving therapies providing leadership toward optimal healthcare policies and standards
  • Supporting applied and clinical research ;
  • Improving communication with the medical community and health care authorities ;
  • Organization of symposia, meetings and workshop
  • Education of the General Public related to cardiac arrhythmias.