
L'association FRENCH FAMILY E-SPORT a pour objet de promouvoir et développer l'e-sport mobile à travers la gestion d'équipes compétitives et l'organisation d'évènements exclusifs en ligne et IRL. Devenez adhérent, participez et soutenez notre structure en bénéficiant de nos services personnalisés!

Nos actions en cours

Qui sommes-nous ?

Après un an d'existence, l'association FRENCH FAMILY E-SPORT est heureuse de vous accueillir au sein de sa structure. 

Notre communauté est composée de bénévoles passionnés du jeu vidéo et désireux de promouvoir l'e-Sport mobile. 
Membres, joueurs compétitifs, diffuseurs réseaux, bienfaiteurs, viewers, créateurs de contenus, vous trouverez au sein de notre communauté des personnes aux multiples talents qui participent à l'aventure FRENCH FAMILY E-SPORT.

Nos partenaires : 
Kitsune Consulting, FRAGCASE, BRED, One X Wear, HelloAsso !


Professional team and tournaments since 2019. Our main goal is to achieve and promote mobile esport through European and French competition (top EU/FR), also by organise our tournaments on our games, CODM and PUBGM, Brawlstars.

We early realized that dedicated workhard always pays in some French and European tournaments and we decided to turn the little friends clan into an open and competitive team.

Our main goal is to promote mobile e-Sport trought achieving Europeans and French rankings on Call of Duty : Mobile and PUBG's Mobile. We also organize our tournaments which are perfect to meet fabulous people and give to everyone a unique experience of our e-Sport. We manage our NPO Association, by players for our players, to improve ourselves and reach our goals. We believe in long-terms relationships and respect, our strongs partnerships keep us going further. We support player's projects, and we share our expertise. 


NPO association !
Regular Pro Events !
Competitive rosters !
Content creators promotion !
Giveaways !



