Tarif général

Your donation will only cost you 20.40€ after tax reduction



Tarif jeunes & demandeurs d'emploi

Ce tarif réduit s'applique exclusivement aux jeunes de moins de 25 ans, aux étudiants et aux demandeurs d'emploi, sur justificatif.

Your donation will only cost you 10.20€ after tax reduction



Tarif libre - tiers.description.customAmount

L'adhésion à un prix libre, au-delà des 60€ annuels, est possible !

Would you like to make a donation to IDN - Initiatives pour le Désarmement Nucléaire in addition to your membership?
Amount to be paid for the duration of the membership:
0 €

HelloAsso is a social and solidarity company, which provides its payment technologies for free to the IDN - Initiatives pour le Désarmement Nucléaire organization. A contribution to the functioning of HelloAsso, modifiable and optional, will be proposed to you before the validation of your payment.


100% secure payment platform

All banking information to process this payment is completely secure. Thanks to SSL encryption of your banking data, you are assured of the reliability of your transactions on HelloAsso.

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