Feldenkrais Lessons - November 2023
by La Maison du Butoh Blanc
To join the lessons during the month of the series:
Live class: Tuesdays 15:30 - 17:00 France Time
Recording of the class available during each following weekend. We will upload before the weekend, and it will stay till next class. This way, you will have more than the weekend to find time to do the lesson. We will upload to google cloud, and send you the link by email.
To do the lessons by recording after this month's series is finished:
You will have access to all the recordings at once, for 3 weeks starting from the date of your choice. When you register and make payment, send email to [email protected] with the date you would like to begin. Important requirement: You must have Google account to access the files. We apologize for this technical limitation.
Dates -
November: 3 weekly lessons - November 14, 21, 28.
In Live Class -
In the live class, if you set up your camera to film yourself, I will be able to see what you are doing. But it is not obligatory that you are on video --- some people like to work privately.
The Recording -
Both audio and video versions will be available to you. The Feldenkrais lesson is verbally guided, and the teacher does not show any movement. However, we make video version in case that someone needs to verify a position that someone else is doing (it is not necessarily correct). Also, sometimes when we have remaining time, we might make a small bonus practice that is visual.
Recordings will be available to everyone, even if you joined live. We send the link usually on Thursday, and it will be accessible till the following Tuesday.
The benefit when there will be limited time to play the recording is that you make a point to make that time for yourself to practice. When there is a recording forever, often we do not do it.
For those following the class after the month is over, recordings of all the lessons will be made accessible to you all at once, for the period of 3 weeks starting from the date of your choice.
Content of the Lessons -
We will explore the lessons related to the capacity and function of the respiration, which necessitates all the mobility of the chest, back ---the entire torso (and of course, as you know, eventually it is the entire organism -- the whole self --- we are working with). We will also study the movements of hand, arm shoulder, neck — which are directly related to the chest and back, and the entire organization of the person.
The lessons will be from original lessons of Moshe Feldenkrais.
The lessons are usually about 1 hour to 1.5 hour. If we have time at the end, we will make Q&A and short bonus practices that could be complementary to the Feldenkrais lessons.
Advance Apology in case of Internet Problems:
Our region in Normandy have often internet problem which affects the connection. The building is also with thick stone walls that do not allow mobile data signal inside.
In case of technical problems at the time of live session, we will send the recording link to you when internet is recovered.
3 classes: 30 euros
Online payment through Helloasso (credit card)
Also possible by bank transfer or Paypal (please ask by email to [email protected] for details)
Feldenkrais Recorded Lessons. 3 Sessions - November 2023 Series
Recordings of 3 Awareness Through Movement Lessons will be accessible to you for 3 weeks from the date of your choice. Requirement: You must have a google account for the file access.
Secure payment
Contact the association: