2024 membership
Valid membership from 01 janvier 2024 to 31 décembre 2024Discover our website by clicking here.
Mach5 is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901. Hereafter: Extract from article 2 ‘object’ of the articles of association
The purpose of the association is to develop activities of general interest, mainly of a cultural nature, by presenting live, educational and social shows to the general public, for the benefit of as many people as possible, with the following aims:
— To offer wonder, happiness and culture by bringing the magical arts to as many people as possible; - To introduce children and the general public to the magical arts; - To teach the history of magic, its culture and its art; - To preserve, develop and make known to as many people as possible, by all means, the magical cultural heritage and the magical arts in all their forms; - To establish a dialogue between the magical cultures of other countries in Europe and more widely throughout the world, dedicated to the same goals.
In this respect, its main purpose is to operate an establishment known as the ‘Palais de la Magie’ in Paris and to present all forms of live entertainment related to the magical arts in the said establishment, by :
Establishing itself as a venue for performing arts (artistic shows, illusionist shows, magic theater and other theatrical performances, etc.);
Organizing dissemination and artistic creation and ensuring the physical and technical operation of the establishment;
Participating in cultural development.
It carries out this main activity in the context of disinterested management and the provisions of article 200 1-f) and 238 bis 1-e) of the General Tax Code.
On an ancillary basis, it develops any activity of general interest in one of the aforementioned areas of general interest, and in particular a non-profit, museum and library/media library activity dedicated to the magical arts.
To sum up :
MACH 5 brings together all persons and entities wishing to develop the association and its social purpose. Among other things, MACH 5 will run the Palais de la Magie and develop its activities.
Tax information
Donations to MAGIC ARTS-CULTURE-HUMANISME 5 - MACH 5 are eligible for tax relief as they meet the general conditions set out in articles 200 and 238 bis of the French General Tax Code.
Individuals with a French tax system
Individuals: you can benefit from a tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of your donation, up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income. If you are liable for Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (property wealth tax), you can benefit from a reduction in your IFI equal to 75% of the amount of your donation, up to a limit of €50,000. Please note that the portion of the donation that gives rise to an IFI reduction cannot also give rise to a tax reduction. When the donation is eligible for both schemes, the donor may choose one or the other, or decide to split the donation between the two.
Organisation / Company with a French tax system
Company: all payments to MAGIC ARTS-CULTURE-HUMANISME 5 - MACH 5 qualify for a corporation tax reduction of 60% of the amount of these payments, capped at €20,000 or 5 ‰ (5 per thousand) of the company's annual turnover excluding tax. If the ceiling is exceeded, the excess can be carried forward to the following 5 financial years.
Tax information
The donation to MAGIC ARTS-CULTURE-HUMANISME 5 - MACH 5 is eligible for a tax reduction because it meets the general conditions set forth in Articles 200 and 238 bis of the General Tax Code.
Particulier : vous pouvez bénéficier d'une réduction d'impôt égale à 66 % du montant de votre don, dans la limite de 20 % de votre revenu imposable. Si vous êtes redevable de l’Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière, vous bénéficiez d’une réduction de votre IFI égale à 75 % du montant de votre don, dans la limite de 50 000 €. Attention la fraction de don ayant donné lieu à réduction d’IFI, ne peut ouvrir droit, parallèlement, à réduction d’IR. Lorsque le don est éligible aux deux dispositifs, le donateur pourra choisir l’un ou l’autre ou bien décider de ventiler son don.
Organization / Company
Entreprise : l’ensemble des versements à MAGIC ARTS-CULTURE-HUMANISME 5 - MACH 5 permet de bénéficier d’une réduction d’impôt sur les sociétés de 60 % du montant de ces versements, plafonnée à 20 000 € ou 5 ‰ (5 pour mille) du chiffre d'affaires annuel hors taxe de l’entreprise. En cas de dépassement de plafond, l'excédent est reportable sur les 5 exercices suivants.
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