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Make a donation to Osmose FranceOsmose is a French association under the 1901 law created in 2001 to support projects in the floating villages of the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. The purpose of the association is the restoration of harmonious links between man and nature. The project was awarded the Yves Rocher Prize in 2003 and the founder of Osmose won the Women's Trophy 3000 in 2004.  Osmose France supports Osmose Cambodia through technical support (sending qualified staff, developing partnerships and support from France) and financial support.The Osmose project is a pilot action initiated in 1999 combining environment and development in the area of Prek Toal, on the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. The site is home to the last colonies of large waterbirds in Southeast Asia, which were threatened with extinction due to the massive collection of eggs and young birds. The project's approach is original in that it integrates the conservation of the colonies, environmental education and local economic development, with the objective of equitable development of the surrounding lake communities. After years of perseverance, the bird colonies are experiencing a marked improvement in their numbers and today 800 children are following the environmental education programme.In addition, 100 families below the poverty line have been able to benefit from social, medical and educational support and/or alternative income-generating activities to fishing and not dependent on declining natural resources.Today with the economic crisis in Cambodia due to Covid-19, Osmose needs your support more than ever to continue its projects!Do you want more information? Meet us on our website: Osmose is not authorized to issue tax receipts.For any donation over 100 €, if you come to visit the villages with us, Osmose Cambodia to thank you, will offer you an individual discount of 10% of your reservation.

in favour of Osmose France

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Environmental education project

Osmose France, together with Osmose Cambodia, has been running an environmental education program for nearly 20 years for the children of the floating villages of Prek Toal and Peck Kantiel.

 Today, Osmose has brought together nearly 800 children on the lake who participate in an environmental education program delivered by local educators and integrated into the school curriculum since 2015. The program was launched with the idea of reaching all the children in the villages where Osmose operates and providing them with the necessary information to protect and preserve their unique environment.

Environmental education class in public school

Osmose offers two types of activities, classroom lessons and field trips to teach them to better understand their environment, interact with local forest guides and understand the impact that human activities can have on the environment.
For the outdoor classes, children are picked up from their homes by boat by the Osmose team and participate in "Floating Gardens", "Waste Management", "Bird Watching".

Environmental education class

Local development programme

Osmose’s approach is to target the most disadvantaged families and enable them to participate in socio-economic interventions aimed at improving their living conditions. Floating gardens, water filters, schooling, medical support are all facets of this component.

Floating garden

In parallel, income-generating activities have gradually been implemented in connection with the ecotourism component. They include water hyacinth crafts (Saray), catering services, boatman and homestay accommodation. Currently, 70 families are involved in the project, including former poachers and many female heads of households. Thanks to Osmose, they receive additional or even alternative income for fishing.

Visit by paddling boat

Ecotourism project

Since 1999, Osmose has developed ecotourism (ET) activities in the floating village of Prek Toal with its ornithological reserve. This component of the project aims to promote the conservation of the reserve while offering maximum economic benefits to the families involved.

Bird sanctuary visit

The tours allow small groups to discover the exceptional human and natural environment of the Tonle Sap Lake with a certified Osmose guide. They generate direct income for villagers through all on-site services (restaurant, boatmen, crafts, accommodation). Through its experience, the quality of its visits and its involvement in lakeside villages, Osmose is the first tourist and development actor in the Prek Toal area.

Local products used in community restaurant

This ecotourism project donates 100% of its profits to Osmose to finance its environmental education and local development projects. It also continues to raise awareness of environmental protection and proposes the use of sustainable and reusable materials, most of which are made on the lake.

Woven product based on water hyacinth